American Horror Story: Murder House (Lost Episode)

The episode started from a black fade, and shows a close-up of
Doctor Ben Harmon's bare ass. It's revealed he is masturbating, thinking about Sister Mary Eunice (who wouldn't show up until the
second season. Perhaps this episode tried to link the universes?) but unlike in the pilot, it shows his full, exposed genitalia. He cums blood and starts crying. Pretty extreme, I could see why FX shelved this. It was odd, but from what I could gather, this was a lost episode from the Murder House days, meaning they knew in the future that Lily
would play a nun character, or someone spliced the footage together. It started to play the introduction, which was weird, because
the Ben Harmon masturbation only lasted for half of a minute.
The introduction seemed about the same. There was one big difference
though; There were flashes of what seemed to be shadowy gargoyles with
a green light under them, which I had never seen before in the intro
cinematic. This was new footage, but why it was only on this episode and
no others is what startled me. Then the episode began.
see the corpse of Larry Harvey on the prison floor, decaying with rot.
It shows his former wife lift him up and drag him out of the prison.
This was kind of abstract, but this new clip gave us an ending to the
subplot of Larry going to prison. However, this was nowhere near close
to the most shocking part of the episode. Far from it.
see a flashback of Ben Harmon meeting Tate for the first time. Even
before the therapy sessions and the Harmons were in the house. Ben
visited this house, alone, because it piqued his interest. After his
wife found out he was cheating on him, he went to find a house as a
distraction. A solace to get him away.
He stepped inside and pushed the creaky door in. He saw Tate, who was playing with a red ball, which belonged to his brother.
"I know something you don't know..."
"The secret to immortality."
This completely changed the dynamic of the previous episodes. Making sure my hearing wasn't messed up, I continued.
"The secret to immortality? That's bullshit. What's your name, kid?"
"Tate. Tate Langdon. But I'm gonna have to ask for a favor from you."
"You have to be lying to me. There's no way anyone can live forever. I'll play along, though. What do you need?"
mother always wanted a pure child. Not tainted from this world of
evil. All of the previous owners could not give me what I want. So I
need a vessel, so I can make the damn child myself. Do you have a
"A wife and a kid, why?"
"Ah. The kid might be too young for labor, but your wife...she'd probably be up for it."
Ben started choking Tate.
"Is this some excuse just to fuck my wife? You disgust me."
Ben let off of his grip.
Tate, choking and recollecting himself, stood up straight.
alright. God, it's not about sex anyway. Why are you checking this
place out? No one just comes to this house of all places. You've gotta
be guilty of something. Infidelity, most likely."
"I was a bad man in the past. But I've changed."
gonna grow old. Your kid? If she's in her teens she's get sick of you
real soon. And your wife? Time hasn't been fair to you. If you stick
with me, in this house, and do exactly as I say...I promise you the
safety of your family. Forever. And to never grow old. If you wish the
same for them, you have to play by my rules."
"Protection? From anything?" the gullible Ben said.
"Anything." spoke Tate.
"Shake on it. And you better swear, if I do everything that you say, you will keep true on your promise. Got it?"
"I wouldn't have offered if I didn't think you weren't capable."
Ben shook hands with Tate.
"You just made a deal with the devil who listens to grunge."
Tate then disappeared.
couldn't believe what the fuck I was witnessing. So Ben knew about the
perils of the house? And he played along with everything, even acting
distraught so no one knew it was a facade? Yes, it was all an inside
job. Ben was working with Tate this entire time, this episode revealed.
cut to present day where Ben was panicking because his wife, Vivian,
passed away in childbirth. It then cut to him throwing Tate against the
wall, and beating him senseless.
"We had a deal! You were supposed to protect my family, not destroy it!" he screamed, thrashing Tate around like some ragdoll.
"I tried to protect them! But she's safe. So is your daughter! They're both safe!" Tate screamed, bleeding from his nose.
"W...What? But but but they're dead!" yelped Ben, confused and alarmed.
wiped some blood off his lips. "The only way to survive in this to die. The age you died at is the age you will be forever.
That's the secret of immortality."
Ben stood back.
"So...Hayden? When she came back, she was dead? It wasn't a prank by
Larry? And that uhh doctor guy they talked about in the tour? I saw him
living and breathing."
"The dead walk in this house aimlessly for eternity. But we can't escape. We're trapped in this house forever."
It then cut to the scene of Ben with the gun in his mouth. Vivien and Violet appeared to talk him out of it.
"Ben, you need to leave this house." said Vivien. "It's no good for you here. You need to leave and start another life."
baby," said Ben, "I'm sorry for bringing you to this house. I knew the
perils but I couldn't resist the power. But what about the baby? I
thought you wanted me to leave with him?"
"The baby? That
kid is going to grow up to be as rotten as Tate. Constance's blood is
tainted, with what I don't know. You can't leave with the kid. The kid
cannot leave this house."
"What are you telling me to do, Vivien?"
Violet intercepted.
the house down, dad. Tate's an asshole. He'll use anyone to get what
he wants. What's the word you keep calling him, 'psychopath?', that's
what that kid will be and you know it."
"I'll leave if you want me to," Ben resisted, "but are you sure you want me to burn the house down?"
have to, dad. This house is founded on evil. It doesn't matter if this
house burns to the ground. There's always a 50/50 chance we either all
leave the house or we go to rest forever. After knowing how much of a
dick Tate is, I'm open to either just to get away from him."
miss you, Dr. Harmon. You were a great father and husband. Despite
your flawed ways, I think you've truly learned from your mistakes."
said Vivien.
"Goodbye, Dr. Harmon." both Vivien and Violet said.
found a spare gasoline can lying in the basement, probably left by
Larry. He sprayed gasoline upon most of the house. He started some
electrical fires in the kitchen and lit two matches to ignite the
gasoline leaked upstairs. It was enough to scorch the house to a cinder.
Tate approached him.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" bellowed Tate.
ending this. Once and for all. It's all over, Tate. Your games of
messing with people, preserving this house. This house dies tonight."
Ben said, pointing his finger to the ground.
"You can't destroy this house! Not after everything that's happened! This was destined to be our future!"
Tate, what are you gonna due to stop me? Put on that rubber suit and
start flailing around? You don't scare me, Tate. My diagnosis: A
complete monster with momma issues so severe pills won't cure them. You
murder people and act like you never did it. You're just a scared,
scared little boy Tate. I'll be leaving now."
Tate jumped
on to Ben's back and wrestled him to the floor. Ben punches Tate
behind his head to get him off, and it works somewhat. Free from Tate's
grasp, Ben runs into punch Tate, but is stopped by a kick that shatters
a rib and plops him into the living room.
won't help you in a fist fight. I'm gonna make sure you die here so we
all burn together." Tate mocked, walking towards Ben as he was bleeding
on the floor.
Tate started walking over to Ben. "It's
gonna be fun watching you catch on flames with your family. You need to
suffer for what you did."
Ben clenched a fireplace poker tight in his hand.
gonna make this up close and personal." Tate slid out a knife over his
pocket, leaning hunched over Ben. "A one-on-one session, just like old
times. And your time is up." snarled Tate.
"Not yet."
rammed the fireplace poker into Tate's chest with great force,
splattering blood all over him. Running over to a wall, he stuck Tate
there in place, as the flames danced around them.
"Are you kidding me? I'm dead, remember?"
As Tate began to slid out of the poker, he was thrown back down it, forced against the wall by a rubbery figure.
"What? What the?"
was Chad dressed in the Rubber Man suit. As he rammed the poker even
deeper into Tate's intestines, he took off his mask and yelled for Ben
to leave.
Ben ran
out the door and got into his car, promptly driving away. The whole
house was torched, as flames were engulfing and smoke was escaping out
of the windows. Constance, who took notice of this, ran to the house
crying beyond consolation. She then ran inside the house, where she too
was burnt alive. It panned out to a wide shot of the house that was
covered in fire, almost like a shot in a Dario Argento film. And then it
faded to black.
"But be
weary, children. Their still remains a threat that looms over this
coven." spoke current Supreme Fiona Goode, exacerbating what little
power she had that wasn't diminished to the younger ones. "There is one
test that could prove you worthy of the title of Supreme, and that lies
in how well you can get rid of our opponents."
"Like what?" the newly-established underling Zoe spoke.
Fiona chuckled.
"Bring me the head of witch hunter Ben Harmon."